Free Intro Course

Project Know-how Foresight

"How can I grow my own project know-how with confidence when my future is so unclear?"

That is the question. And it is a key one. Early career is when foresight regarding project know-how is most needed. 

As an answer, this course offers a big-picture view of the dynamic project management field, a Project Know-how Panorama™. The panorama is designed as 1) as a career navigation map, long-term, and 2) as a project know-how coach, moment by moment, a coach informed by AI, in powerful and appropriate ways. The course shows how you can use the panorama to forecast the know-how you'll need going forward, and to grow that know-how, from where you are, right now.  

This course is available to you for 30 days. During that time, if you have questions, you'll have access to our online community "Growing Project Know-how." And finally, there is no need to worry about the course ending. After it ends, you'll be able both to keep the research you have done on the panorama and to continue it

Best of luck on the "Project Know-how Foresight" course, and best of luck creating your own!

 What's In the Course

  •  Guidance on growing your own project know-how via a Project Know-how Panorama 
  • A link to our current panorama template, enabling you to launch your own panorama into your Mural account by just a few clicks
  • Illustrated, step-by-step launch instructions 
  • Video overview and explanations of panorama, structure, contents, and use. 

Free! Available now!


Get The Course

 What the Panorama Is

  • Comprehensive, pre-made map of today's global project practice
    • 80+ Constructs,
    • Used in 6 Communities,
    • For 8 Team Purposes
  • Built in guidance on growing know-how, for your work, at your pace
  • Powerful Mural® platform menus for map navigation, editing, sharing
  • Links to (3rd party) video playlists on all key constructs
  • Guidelines and guardrails for acquiring know-how via AI (Artificial Intelligence)


Panorama FAQ's

What You Need for the Course

Financial Requirements

  • 0$ Course and Panorama are free 

Technical Requirements 

  1. A personal account with Mural® (free or paid). 
  2. Desktop or tablet computer with internet (smartphone screens are not adequate to the scale of the panorama)

Use Requirements

  1. Project team experience
  2. English language
Mural's Plans