Group Coaching Programs
Early career professional? "Accidental" project manager? Great!
We offer coaching programs for growing your own project know-how,
From your workplace, for your current teams, and for your career, going forward.
There are no slide decks, no pre-set learning paths, and no cookie-cutter instruction.
Instead, we do real-time coaching and collaboration, based on your unique experience.

Overview of 2025 Spring Programs
Exploring Project Know-how (SKU E104)
- Start where you are! You'll get the "big picture" - fast - in your own Project Know-how Panorama™
- Explore 8 project team purposes, 6 perspectives on achieving them, and a 4-phase quality improvement cycle
- Choose the ways that you want to explore project know-how – no required assignments, no quizzes
- Enhance your collaboration and walk-thru skills by breakout room sharing during 10 sessions over 5 weeks
- Conduct an extended study of a published case (PDF provided), led by PMP
- Map, plan, and track your own know-how. Contribute more to what your real world teams need right now
- When the program ends, take away your panorama to keep growing your project know-how going forward
Building Project Know-how (SKU B104)
- Develop a Project Know-how Panorama™, a huge, digital map for your current use and career going forward
- Get to know colleagues in a small class (12 max.)
- Grow your collaboration and walk-thru skills in 20 contact hours over 10 weeks
- Get individual coaching on all your plans and assignments by a friendly, human, PMP
- Access rich program content
- Conduct an extended study of a published case (PDF provided), led by PMP
- Become eligible for completion certificate and claim of 20 PDU's (suggested allocation per PMI Talent Triangle®:
Business Acumen: 2 PDU's; Power Skills: 8 PDU's; Ways of Working: 10 PDUs)